Every year Massey University releases their guide for spending in retirement and this year's guidelines show the cost of living is still a key issue with excess expenditure above NZ superannuation for all retired household groups. Its a great resource for retirement planning but for current retirees they need more than spending guidelines. With that in mind we have published Lifetime's take on how to tackle that gap.
You can read the original article here: Current retirees need more than spending guidelines Or you can read the article published in full below and tell us what you think in the comments section.
Lifetime Retirement Income (Lifetime) applauds Massey University Fin-Ed Centre’s latest Retirement Expenditure Guidelines (REGs) 2024 for providing critical data that helps New Zealanders plan for their financial futures.
Yet, as Lifetime’s founder and managing director Ralph Stewart points out, the guidelines highlight a gap in support for those who’ve already retired without significant savings.
"The report’s an excellent tool for those still in their working years to prepare for retirement. But for retirees who haven’t been able to save such large sums, it raises an important question: What now?"
According to the REGs, even a basic frills-free lifestyle for a single retiree living in the city costs $687.84 per week, well above the $519.47 weekly NZ Super payout. A lifestyle with more choices and modest luxuries requires $768.76 weekly for singles and a staggering $1,739.85 for city-dwelling couples.
“For Kiwis who want to maintain a comfortable, dignified retirement additional income streams are non-negotiable,” Ralph says.
“The financial landscape can be daunting for retirees without substantial savings or investments. The finance industry must focus not only on helping working Kiwis save but also on providing effective solutions for those already retired.”
“Continuing to work, even part-time, can provide a significant income boost and reduce the time spent relying solely on savings. But this doesn’t work for everyone and can eat into your retirement,” he adds.
Home equity release products like Lifetime Home allow retirees to access the wealth tied up in their homes without having to downsize. This can provide a much-needed income stream while allowing retirees to remain in the comfort and security of their own homes.
“Many retirees have no significant savings beyond their home. Home equity release products can provide a life-changing opportunity for Kiwi retirees to really make the most of their post-work years," Ralph says.
"At Lifetime, we’re committed to empowering retirees to live their later years with financial confidence and dignity. Lifetime Home is just one way we’re helping Kiwis unlock their potential for a more comfortable and enjoyable retirement."
If you’re keen on learning more about Lifetime Home, simply click here to find out more.
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If you’d like to find out more about any of our retirement income solutions, including Lifetime Income, Lifetime Home and Lifetime Invest, their locally-based income specialists are on hand to chat.
So click on the button below and contact Lifetime Retirement Income to find out more.