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At HealthCarePlus we have a lot of members who are in retirement or near retirement so we are always looking at new ways that we can help them and support them in this important and well earned period of their life.

That is why we partnered with Lifetime Retirement Income.  They are experts and have a passion for developing transparent, low-cost, high-value retirement income solutions that New Zealand retirees can have confidence in.  

They are backed by a trusted Board of industry experts, including Diana Crossan. Diana served as the Retirement Commissioner from 2003 to 2013 and contributed significantly to the development of KiwiSaver in New Zealand.


So it was great to see that they do indeed do what they say they are going to do.  When Lifetime Retirement Income have a good year then their customers do too.  Have a read of their article... "Generating an income that lasts: mission accomplished!"

Read the full article here


Want to learn more about Lifetime Retirement Income? Then click on the link below and take a couple of minutes to read all about them and how they can help you create a retirement income for life.

Lifetime Retirement Income

Turn your retirement savings into a regular income

Learn more



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