HealthCarePlus Blog

GoodForYou Learning Module: Power Up

Written by Synergy Health | May 3, 2023 11:49:39 PM

Designed by Synergy Health, the team behind our GoodForYou wellbeing program.  This five-day challenge will help you learn how you can ‘Power Up’ your own energy levels and schedule your daily demands in time with your natural ebbs and flows in energy to help you be your most productive self. 

When we have under slept or are feeling tired we often our least productive. This sees us working longer hours to catch up on work and compromising time for the habits that keep us feeling healthy and energetic.

Through this challenge you will see that ‘energy management’ is just as important as ‘time management’ and you will learn how you can create healthy habits to optimise energy levels, so you can work smarter not longer.

To participate in this challenge, you will need to become a registered GoodForYou user.  So if you are not, you can Register here and it s free to holders of a UniMed health plan. 

Once you've done that or you are already a registered GoodForYou user, then click the link below and start the challenge.


Before you start, here is a quick look at what's involved:




Are you working like a marathon runner? On any given day, it can feel as though we need three hands and another set of ears to stay on top of the endless emails and phone calls generated by our work.  Arriving at the office early, working through lunch and leaving after 5 seems like the best way to manage the influx… right? If you have found yourself working or thinking this way, you are not alone. 




Responding to rising demands in workload by putting in longer hours can catch up on us and lead to declining levels of engagement and productivity, increased levels of distraction, increases in stress and eventually burn out.

So, how do we avoid burnout?





Select a strategy that supports strategically disengaging from the task at hand without disrupting your workplace - either from our suggestions or one of your own.  Implement this when you recognise the signs that your body is craving a 'periodic break' over the course of your day. 




We know that our biggest battery recharger is at night when we sleep, but did you know that the quality of your sleep can be dramatically impacted by the use of screens at night.  Blue light emitted from digital devices impacts our body’s ability to produce melatonin, our sleep inducing hormone.




As you’ve seen, adopting the energy management work ethic is fundamental to improving your productivity and ensuring your energy levels are kept topped up during the day.  However, how do you ensure that your energy levels maintain sufficient charge throughout the day and do not get depleted completely?




Remember to join this challenge, make sure you Login or Register to  GoodForYou - our Health & Wellbeing Program.  It is Free for all HealthCarePlus and UniMed policyholders. And, you can add up to FIVE family members and friends for Free too.