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We are delighted to see our funding and resources are helping Jess Morgan to pursue a post graduate certificate in professional supervision at the University of Auckland. 

So read below the spotlight interview about Jess Morgan as she will share her inspirations and the wonderful work she hopes to accomplish with her grant.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself?

I lead the team at StepsForward, a small NGO on the Hibiscus Coast of Auckland that provides free, wrap around support to local families.

2. What are you doing? 

I am doing a post graduate certificate in professional supervision at the University of Auckland. 

3. What inspired you to do what you’re doing?

The whānau we support present with incredibly complex issues.  This is challenging mahi and burn out is all too common in the social services.  Supporting the wellbeing of the team is an important part of my role.   All too often I feel the blurry edges of my knowledge and skills as I strive to support my team and the extra stress this puts on me is not sustainable.

4. Why did you choose to focus on this topic?

I choose to pursue this qualification with the hope that deepening my level of knowledge and skills I can offer the team more effective support and maintain my own wellbeing.

5. What made you decide to apply for an HealthCarePlus Grant for Good? (where did you hear about it)

I came across this grant in the GEM funding portal.

6. How was your experience in Appling for the grant?

Really great, it was straightforward, with lots of supporting information on how to fill out the application.  

7. How has funding from HealthCarePlus helped?

Being a small NGO, we don’t have the resource to support this level of study, without this grant, I would not have been able to pursue this qualification. 

8. What does this grant mean to you?

It means my role will be sustainable in the long term, because I will have the skills to support the wellbeing of the team and myself.

9. What would you say to others considering but hesitant in applying for a grant?

Go for it!

10. What advice would you give to future Grants for Good applicants?

Read all of the supporting documents to give yourself the best chance of writing a strong grant application. 

11. What are you hoping to achieve?

The Post Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision. 

12. In what way will your course help make a positive impact on others?

I lead a team of 8 people, each of those people have their own families who are impacted by the stresses of the work that we do. Each year we support around 316 families, representing 1017 people, each of these families have wider network of friends, workplaces and schools.  The knowledge gained form this study would ensure that as an agency we are working in a safe, sustainable way, maintaining our team and their families wellbeing and enabling us to provide high quality support to the vulnerable members of our community.  


If you are interested and want to know more this year's Grants for Good and how to apply for one then click below.

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