News and Stories

Nikki Sowerby - 2023 Grantee Spotlight Interview

Written by HealthCarePlus | 10 June 2024

We are delighted to see our funding and resources are helping Nikki Sowerby to pursue her degree in Paramedicine.

So read below the spotlight interview about Nikki Sowerby as she will share her inspirations and the wonderful work she hopes to accomplish with her grant.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself?

I’m Nikki, I’m a mother of 3 wonderful boys (19, 20 & 22), a cat (Zoey), and a very needy Labrador (Skye Waffles). I live in Invercargill and have recently moved in with my new partner. I’ve been in Southland for 18 years after moving from the North Island to find a better balance in life and lucked upon a wonderful place to raise my kids! One day I happened to walk past a St John open day which changed my life forever……. I absolutely love my job, the variety it brings, and I always feel privileged to be able to step into someone's life on what may be their worst day ever and make a positive difference.

2. What are you doing? 

I am doing my degree in Paramedicine. I only have one semester to go which is super exciting after a 3 years hard slog!  Working and studying full time has been a real challenge but I am so excited that graduation is just around the corner.

3. What inspired you to do what you’re doing?

What inspired me to do something related to medicine is that I wanted to give back……as a severe asthmatic for a significant part of my life I knew the difference medical personnel can make in someone's healthcare journey, but it wasn’t until I was deployed to Christchurch post-earthquake that I knew I had to become a Paramedic. The things we saw and did there were truly life-changing, and the Paramedic qualification would have given me even more skills to alleviate the pain and suffering we encountered. 

4. Why did you choose to focus on this topic?

Because it is the next qualification up from my current level of EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)

5. What made you decide to apply for an HealthCarePlus Grant for Good? (where did you hear about it)

I applied because it’s very expensive to study. I was a single-income household with kids still at home so money has been extremely tight over the last 3 years, not only was I working and studying full-time but picking up extra shifts each week to try and keep on top of the bills. A friend in FENZ suggested it to me which I am very grateful for!

6. How was your experience in Appling for the grant?

Applying for the grant was straight forward, and I was so excited to be chosen.

7. How has funding from HealthCarePlus helped?

I don’t know how to express the difference this has made, it was such a huge weight off my shoulders financially meaning that I can work and study without worrying about working extra shifts every week to make it through. Previously student loan repayments were around $120 per week out of my take-home pay.

8. What does this grant mean to you?

It means everything! Next semester I have two very big papers to complete and I can just focus on my study without the huge financial worry that studying brings.  I feel honoured that your team believes I am worthy of the grant and I am working very hard to make you all proud!  

9. What would you say to others considering but hesitant in applying for a grant?

Oh I would definitely encourage them to apply, I know so many people who want to advance themselves and their careers but just can’t afford it due to family commitments.

10. What advice would you give to future Grants for Good applicants?

Do something you are truly passionate about, aim high and believe in yourself!  I was never an academic and scrapped my way through school but when you love something and have a goal anything is possible, it just takes hard work and commitment!

11. What are you hoping to achieve?

I’ve been with the ambulance service for 18 years now (10 years as a volley and casual, and 8 years full-time), with the kids now grown I am aiming to be a Paramedic (before I am 50 years old! which is next year) and I will give 100% until I get there. 

12. In what way will your course help make a positive impact on others?

Paramedic’s carry skills and medicines that change and save lives, our local areas struggle to recruit Paramedics leaving some of our ambulances being crewed without them, whilst our wonderful crews do their best for every patient, paramedics on every ambulance every day would be ideal.

To read the full story about Nikki Sowerby, please click here.



If you are interested and want to know more this year's Grants for Good and how to apply for one then click below.