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We are delighted to see our funding and resources are helping Tessa Hafoka to pursue a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Mental Health and Addictions) at AUT University.

So read below the spotlight interview about Tessa Hafoka as she will share her inspirations and the wonderful work she hopes to accomplish with her grant.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself?

I am an occupational therapist working for mental health services in South Auckland. While I now work in mental health, I came to study occupational therapy after experiencing my own physical health recovery journey, which led me on a path to wanting to support others in their recovery. I enjoy working in mental health as I get to share in the stories of others and be very creative in the way I work with people in supporting them to achieve their goals.

2. What are you doing? 

I am currently studying a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Mental Health and Addictions) at AUT University.

3. What inspired you to do what you’re doing?

Alongside my own recovery journey I mentioned above, I am keen to promote the voices of people with experience of mental illness in research and I am keen to explore through the postgraduate diploma whether research is a path I would like to take further.

4. Why did you choose to focus on this topic?

I have witnessed first hand working in both a non-government organisation and for Te Whatu Ora the inequities present within the current mental health system, particularly for Maori and Pasifika service users. Through my study, I hope to improve my own understanding of how I can develop my practice to better support service users I work with and explore options for improving systems and practice more broadly through research.

5. What made you decide to apply for an HealthCarePlus Grant for Good? (where did you hear about it)

I found the HealthCarePlus Grant for Good through a Google search, as with many things these days. I felt the priorities  of the Grant fitted well with my own and why I wanted to pursue further study, so I applied.

6. How was your experience in Appling for the grant?

Although there were multiple questions that needed to be answered as part of the application, I did not find it difficult as the aims of the grant connected well with my own aims for my study.

7. How has funding from HealthCarePlus helped?

The grant has covered my tuition fees for my year of study in full, for which I am very grateful. This has reduced the stress of completing study significantly.

8. What does this grant mean to you?

This grant means a lot to me. It has not only enabled me to further my own education, which will allow me to better provide for my family in future and open new doors for me, but it has also provided the opportunity for me to engage in study that is positively influencing my practice with service users and may lead to research that impacts service provision in future.

9. What would you say to others considering but hesitant in applying for a grant?

Definitely apply if you are passionate about your area. The application process will also help you to clarify why you are planning to embark on study or a project.

10. What advice would you give to future Grants for Good applicants?

Make sure you ask someone to be your reference in advance and give yourself time to edit your application a few times.

11. What are you hoping to achieve?

The study I am engaging in has provided valuable insights into conducting research and how I can improve my own practice within the mental health field. It has also enabled me to begin to build a network and clarify research areas I am interested in should I go on to complete a master’s thesis.

12. In what way will your course help make a positive impact on others?

My course has and will continue to positively impact the way I practice within my work as a mental health occupational therapist, which will help to improve health outcomes for those I work with. I have also had opportunities to share what I am learning in my study with my colleagues. Additionally, it will enable me to complete research in future into how mental health practice in New Zealand can be improved.



If you are interested and want to know more this year's Grants for Good and how to apply for one then click below.

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